Tourism is one of the most important economic industries on a global scale. It is especially significant in countries such as Guatemala, where it has proved its ability to actively contribute to the production of decent jobs and productive professions, the conservation of the environment and cultural heritage, and the building of national identity. As a result, it contributes to the realization of the national goals listed in the National Development Plan “K'tun Nuestra Guatemala 2032”. It also helps to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The role of tourism in accomplishing these goals is greatly reinforced when sustainable development is recognized as a shared duty and is at the heart of decision-making.
The tourism roundtable's strategic goal is to boost revenue from this economic activity from 2.7% to 10% of GDP by 2025.
To accomplish this, the following particular objectives have been selected and categorised according to the Sustainable Tourism Master Plan (PMTS) 2015-2025 axes.
Modernization of the tourism governing body. Update of the National Policy for Sustainable Tourism Development 2012-2022. Advance in the implementation of the Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism 2015-2025.
Promote the long-term growth of tourist activities by implementing socio-cultural, environmental, and economic-business practices based on global sustainable tourism standards.
Update the national tourist offer's hierarchy based on tourism planning, attractions, and their connections to distribution centers and tourism corridors.
Improve and protect the Mayan Biosphere Reserve.
Create a tourism development strategy for Guatemala City.
Encourage the creation of systems for the sector's study, measurement, coordination, and distribution of strategic information.
Improve tourist infrastructure and services.
Encourage effective policies for investment in tourism, as well as the revival of MSMEs in the industry.
Promote Guatemala as a tourist destination on a national, regional, and worldwide scale.
Improve tourism safety, prevention, and response methods.
Regaining leadership and involvement in national and international forums.
El Instituto Guatemalteco de Turismo realizó una reunión con el Comité de Mercadeo – Mesa Multisectorial de Turismo, con el objetivo de establecer una sólida colaboración entre el sector público y privado para implementar y gestionar el Plan Maestro de Turismo Sostenible de Guatemala 2015-2025
Actualmente, se está trabajando en el borrador de un convenio interinstitucional con entidades del sector público como la Municipalidad de Guatemala; los ministerios de Finanzas, Economía, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Cultura y Deportes, Gobernación, el Instituto Guatemalteco de Turismo; la Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria, Instituto Guatemalteco de Migración; así como con entidades del sector privado como Cámara de Turismo de Guatemala, la Comisión de Turismo Sostenible de AGEXPORT, la Fundación de Hoteleros de Guatemala, la Asociación Guatemalteca de Líneas Aéreas, Pacunam y el Buró de Convenciones de Guatemala.