The Human Capital Roundtable is an important component of Guatemala's No Se Detiene Plan. Its ultimate goal is to contribute to higher labor insertion of Guatemalans by improving their technical and management skills so that they may take advantage of opportunities provided by local and foreign firms in high-potential industries. To help the country's competitiveness, it coordinates and strives to form long-term relationships with:
Guatemala has the potential to create more than 110,000 new jobs in the country over the next five years, therefore the Human Capital pillar aims to improve key skills in line with future demands.
To achieve this goal, it will first focus on improving English, information and communication technology, and the managerial abilities of middle management in high-potential industries.
The Inter-Institutional Roundtable for the Development of Human Capital was created on June 22, 2022, with the involvement of 14 organizations from the country's public and private sectors:
- Ministry of Economy
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Labor
- Planning and Programming Secretariat (SEGEPLAN)
- National Competitiveness Initiative (PRONACOM)
- The Municipality of Guatemala
- The Technical Institute for Productivity and Training (INTECAP)
- Guatemalan Exporters Association (AGEXPORT)
- Guatemalan Association of Managers (AGG)
- Guatemalan Chamber of Industry (CIG)
- The Foundation for the Development of Guatemala (FUNDESA)
- Sergio Paiz Andrade Foundation (FUNSEPA)
- Guatemalan Del Valle University (UVG)
Its objectives and guidelines are:
a) Identify opportunities for development in the productive sectors in terms of Human Capital (HC), to be prioritized by the roundtable, and offer efforts to assure their adequate attention for the benefit of Guatemala's competitiveness, investment, and reinvestment.
b) Look for ways to connect labor market supply and demand in the Roundtable's prioritized productive sectors.
c) Form relationships with "essential" subjects in the process of strengthening Human Capital requirements.
d) To provide help and follow-up on the actions made by each public or private entity to generalize, expand, or enhance the HC's skills, competencies, and qualities in order to attain greater and better employability.
This agreement was signed within the framework of the "Inter-institutional Cooperation Agreement for the Deployment of Initiatives Tending to Strengthen the Attraction of Investment and Competitiveness of the Country", signed on February 16, 2021.